Limerick Trial Autelca Test Card
This test card was used to test Autelca cardphones. The Autelca magnetic cards were using during the Limerick Callcard field trial of 1989. [...]
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ODS Transparent Card
A transparent card, used to test how graphics would appear on a phonecard with chip in place. Unknown if the card was encoded with units.[...]
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Irish Horse Racing (Dummy Card)
Prior to chipset installation, Callcards were printed on large PVC sheets holding between 30 to 60 cards. These are then punched out to prod[...]
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Trinity College (Dummy Card)
Prior to chipset installation, Callcards were printed on large PVC sheets holding between 30 to 60 cards. These are then punched out to prod[...]
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Cork Stamp & Card Fair 6th May 1995
This was an unofficial souvenir Callcard issued at the Cork Stamp & Card fair on the 6th of May 1995. Notice the black and yellow sticke[...]
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Cottage (Dummy Card)
Prior to chipset installation, Callcards were printed on large PVC sheets holding between 30 to 60 cards. These were then punched out to pro[...]
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Schlumberger Test Card
These plain test cards were used to test payphones installed by Telecom Eireann in Ireland. These cards were given to engineers whose task i[...]
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Gemplus Test Card (Ireland)
These plain test cards were used to test payphones installed by Telecom Eireann in Ireland. These cards were given to engineers whose task i[...]
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Cottage AFNOR Demo
This Demonstration card, produced by French chip manufacturer Schlumberger features the Callcard chipset installed in the AFNOR position. It[...]
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Telecom Eireann Demo 6
The sixth Demonstration card, this time produced by Schlumberger. As with both Demo 1 and 2 cards, the chipset is installed in the AFNOR pos[...]
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Telecom Eireann Demo 3 "Ireland's First Callcard"
This was the third demonstration Callcard to be produced prior to Telecom Eireann launching their first chipcard, IMI New Ways for the Ninet[...]
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Telecom Eireann Demo 1
This was the very first Telecom Eireann chip based demonstration card. This card was produced by French manufacturer Schlumberger, resulting[...]
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Irish Horse Racing Test card (McCorquodale)
The McCorquodale test card was produced to test compatibilty of the McCorquodale chipset in Telecom eireann cardphones. What is very interes[...]
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Irish Horse Racing Test Card (Intel)
The Intel test card was produced to test compatibilty of the Intel chipset under Telecom eireann cardphones. This Callcard, like the previou[...]
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ORGA Test Card
This Test Card was produced by chipcard manufacturer ORGA to test their chipset within Telecom eireann's cardphone hardware. Unlike the Iris[...]
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Telecom Eireann Test Card 1 (McCorquodale)
This test card was produced to test the McCorquodale chipset under Telecom eireann cardphones. This chipset was only ever found on test card[...]
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Solaic Test Card
This card is completely blank except for "BREVET INNOVETRON - SOLAIC 45060" printed on the reverse. The Solaic chipset was used on the infam[...]
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ORGA Test Level 2
The ORGA test card was issued to test the ORGA chipset in Telecom eireann card phones. A public test of the ORGA chipset was introduced usin[...]
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Monetel Test Card (Ireland)
This Service card was produced to service cardphones which Telecom Eireann had installed on Iarnrod Eireann trains. While 2, 000 Monetel tes[...]
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Telecom Eireann Test Card
This Telecom Eireann test card was used by cardphone engineers to test the callboxes. This particular card was encoded with 150 units. These[...]
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GPT/Plessey Service Card
This Service Card was used to test the phonecard systems manufsctured by British Plessey/GPT. This generic service card design was also used[...]
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Telecom Eireann Demo 2
Card no: 120The Demo 2 Callcard was released to cardphone engineers prior to Telecom Eireanns widespread cardphone rollout in the late 1980's, early 199[...]
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IMI New Ways for the Nineties Dummy
Card no: 1021This Dummy Callcard features the IMI New Ways for the Nineties design. Notice the lack of any chip. An interesting feature to note about thi[...]
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Black-Back Cottage (Train Trial)
Card no: 1025This CallCard was encoded for use on Iarnrod Eireann trains. Initially Telecom Eireann tested Monetal Mobile Telephone Systems, which used t[...]
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