Irish Culture Definitive Callcards
The very first definitive range of Callcards producted by Telecom eireann from 1990 - 1995. This range includes some infamous cards including the Horse Racing and Cottage designs.

Teddy Bear
The Teddy Bear Callcard is one of the earliest Telecom eireann Callcards. This Callcard was issued free of charge included in a folder with[...]
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The Cottage definitive Callcard was first produced in 1991 and was still in production by the end of 1995. As a result many different variat[...]
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Cottage (Gemplus)
The Cottage definitive Callcard was first produced in 1991 and was still in production by the end of 1995. As a result many different variat[...]
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EC Presidency '90
This CallCard was issued to celebrate Ireland being the host country for the EC Presidency in 1990. This is one of the earliest Telecom Eire[...]
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Rock of Cashel
The Rock of Cashel Callcard is one of the earliest definitive cards. It was soon to be replaced by the An tOireachtas Dancers 100 Unit Callc[...]
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An tOireachtas 1991
The An tOireachtas Callcard was issued to promote the Oireachtas festival which celebrates the irish language and culture. This card replace[...]
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An tOireachtas
The An tOireachtas Callcard was issued to promote the Oireachtas festival which celebrates the irish language and culture. This card replace[...]
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EC city of Culture '91
This Callcard was issued to celebrate Dublin as being nominated the EC City of Culture prize. Pictured on the card are Oscar Wilde, Sean O'C[...]
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Irish Horse Racing
The "Irish Horse Racing" definitive Callcard was first produced in 1991 and was still in production by the end of 1994. As a result many dif[...]
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Horse Racing in Ireland
The french company Schlumberger who produced this Callcard mistranslated "Irish horse Racing" to mean "Horse Racing in Ireland". This uninte[...]
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Trinity College
This definitive card was the successor to 1032 "EC City of Culture". It features the Trinity College Library in the photo to celebrate 400 Y[...]
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