Star Trek
This Callcard was issued to promote the Star Trek First Contact film. Booking numbers for UCI Cinemas in Blanchardstown are present on the rear.
Note: Only ten percent of Star Trek Callcards are known to have been produced using the ODS1 chipset (the same chipset as Michael Collins and Jervis Shopping Centre). It is understood the 10% of cards were accidentally mixed in with a final batch of Michael Collins Callcards.
It was the ODS2 chipset, that was a update to the ODS 1 chipset this Callcard was to use.
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Nick Rankin (Administrator) Posted - 10 years ago
Quoting Richard Dalton
I have one of the Error cards.
Still in its plastic wrapper with £2.00 price sticker attached.
Only call card I ever bought.
Bought it on the off chance it might be worth something some day to a Star Trek fan.
Very nice Richard, never seen one of the error variants mint before :)

Richard Dalton Posted - 10 years ago
I have one of the Error cards.
Still in its plastic wrapper with £2.00 price sticker attached.
Only call card I ever bought.
Bought it on the off chance it might be worth something some day to a Star Trek fan.

Nick Rankin (Administrator) Posted - 11 years ago
Quoting Deef
Seem to have an error card (Got a wave of nostalgia finding my old Callcard collection).... Has the same chip as the first picture, and 2 (so far) of the normal version. Will be selling some of the rarer cards if anybody has interest :)
Hi Deef,
I have seen the error card appearing quite a bit lately. Updated information I have received indicates 10% of all Star Trek Callcards were accidentally produced with the ODS 1 chipset. That leaves only 20, 000 using this chipset, however, so it is quite a bit rarer.
Do feel free to email me photos of your collection at:, I may be interested in some but if not I'll let you know what may or may not be valuable!

Deef Posted - 11 years ago
Seem to have an error card (Got a wave of nostalgia finding my old Callcard collection).... Has the same chip as the first picture, and 2 (so far) of the normal version. Will be selling some of the rarer cards if anybody has interest :)

Nick Rankin (Administrator) Posted - 11 years ago
Quoting Sinead
I have one of these cards but don't understand ODS number? O n the back of the card we have above the barcode it states ODS 46/96 200,000. What category does this fall into then?
Hi Sinead,
The Star Trek card at the top (titled "Error Card") is using the ODS1 chipset. This card is much rarer than the bottom version which uses the ODS2 chipset.
I was told previously only 10 cards were manufactured with the ODS1 chipset however I believe now that 10% of the 200, 000 so 20, 000 Star Trek Callcards used the ODS1 chipset.
Hope this helps

Sinead Posted - 11 years ago
I have one of these cards but don't understand ODS number? O n the back of the card we have above the barcode it states ODS 46/96 200,000. What category does this fall into then?

Nick Rankin (Administrator) Posted - 11 years ago
Quoting john
hi,i have 3 of these cards and the chipset is different again,its an ods3 has anyone come across that before.
Hi John,
It may be possible although the first example of the ODS3 chipset was found 2 years later on the Telethon '98 card. It may have been used earlier on the definitive card rage, however. If you email me scans of the cards ( I could confirm this for you :)

john Posted - 11 years ago
hi,i have 3 of these cards and the chipset is different again,its an ods3 has anyone come across that before.

Nick Rankin (Administrator) Posted - 11 years ago
Quoting Patricka
I have 2 of these checked the barcode and ods number and they match with the photo. Does anyone know the value?
Hi Patrick,
Both these cards will look identical in appearance with the exception of the chip. If the chip is identical to the card above with a square in the centre of the chip it is the ODS 1 variant.
I have received mixed information regarding this card, with some saying 10% of all Star Trek cards had the ODS 1 chipset and the other that just 10 are known to exist, although there are likely more.
With regards to value I am not entirely sure what it would fetch these days, but as I've never seen one up for sale, used I would imagine should go for €15+ (possibly more)

Patricka Posted - 11 years ago
I have 2 of these checked the barcode and ods number and they match with the photo. Does anyone know the value?

Paul Posted - 11 years ago
Hi Nick,
It's the same as the 1 pictured above.

Nick Rankin (Administrator) Posted - 11 years ago
Quoting Paul
I have 1 of these callcards in good condition,if anyone is interested in it?
Is it definitely the error card Paul? If so there may well be interest in it. Not many are aware of its existance. There is another with a different chipset out there

Paul Posted - 11 years ago
I have 1 of these callcards in good condition,if anyone is interested in it?
Nick Rankin (Administrator) Posted - 3 years ago
Hi Louise
You don't see the top chip variant for sale mint (even used) that often. I would say €15-20 maybe upwards value.